Sample Status Sheet
The owner or manager should keep this data current and available for maintenance decisions.
Each item should include the most recent maintenance action e.g. New or Overhauled, etc.
Time Life Items specific to your aircraft should be added to the list. Delete n/a items at your discretion.
- Aircraft N number
- Owners Name
- Year
- Model
- S/N
- Date
- Tach
- Total Time Airframe
- Annual Service
- 50 Hour Oil Change
- Engine
- Propeller
- Governor
- Magnetos
- Mag 500 Hour
- Starter
- Alternator
- Fuel Servo or Carb
- Fuel Pump
- Aux Fuel Pump
- Primary Battery
- Secondary Battery
- ELT Battery p/n & Due Date
- Vacuum Pump
- Vacuum Filters
- Engine Air Filter
- Wheel Bearings
- Tires
- Tire Pressure Mains Nose/Tail
- 411 & 413
- Registration
- Paint date & colors
- Interior
- Airworthiness Directives and SBs
Quick Look Status Sheet
The following Information that should be immediately available to the pilot
Suggest this data be posted in the POH, Flight Log or on the Flight Deck
- Annual Inspection Date
- Oil Change Tach Time
- Altimeter and Transponder Certification (411.413)
- ELT Battery Date
- Tire Pressure Mains Nose/Tail

Parts awaiting assembly and Tech Data