Preventative Maintenance


Owner Pilots may do the following Preventative Maintenance (PM), provided it does not involve removal, disassembly, or interfere with any primary structure or operating system and most importantly that they know what they are doing. Training is available through Airworx.
- Removal, installation, and repair of landing gear tires.
- Replacing elastic shock absorber cords on landing gear.
- Servicing landing gear shock struts by adding oil, air, or both.
- Servicing landing gear wheel bearings, such as cleaning and greasing.
- Replacing defective safety wiring or cotter keys.
- Lubrication not requiring disassembly other than removal of nonstructural items such as cover plates, cowlings, and fairings.
- Making simple fabric patches not requiring rib stitching or the removal of structural parts or control surfaces.
- Replenishing hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic reservoir.
- Refinishing decorative coating of fuselage, balloon baskets, wings tail group surfaces (excluding balanced control surfaces), fairings, cowlings, landing gear, cabin, or cockpit interior.
- Applying preservative or protective material to components where such coating is not prohibited or is not contrary to good practices.
- Repairing upholstery and decorative furnishings of the cabin, cockpit.
- Making small simple repairs to fairings, nonstructural cover plates, cowlings, and small patches and reinforcements not changing the contour so as to interfere with proper air flow.
- Replacing side windows where that work does not interfere with the structure or any operating system such as controls, electrical equipment, etc.
- Replacing safety belts.
- Replacing seats or seat parts with replacement parts approved for the aircraft.
- Trouble shooting and repairing broken circuits in landing light wiring circuits.
- Replacing bulbs, reflectors, and lenses of position and landing lights.
- Replacing wheels and skis where no weight and balance computation is involved.
- Replacing any cowling not requiring removal of the propeller or disconnection of flight controls.
- Replacing or cleaning spark plugs and setting of spark plug gap clearance.
- Replacing any hose connection except hydraulic connections.
- Replacing prefabricated fuel lines.
- Cleaning or replacing fuel and oil strainers or filter elements.
- Replacing and servicing batteries.
- R & R nonstructural hardware.
- Removing, checking, and replacing magnetic chip detectors.
- Removing and replacing tray mounted avionics.
- Updating software data.
- The inspection and maintenance tasks prescribed and specifically identified as preventive maintenance in a primary category aircraft type certificate or supplemental type certificate holder's approved special inspection and preventive maintenance program when accomplished on a primary category aircraft.